Sagittarius Horoscope

NOV 22-DEC 21

General Characteristics Sagittarius

Optimism describes Sagittarians. They always believe that good things will happen tomorrow. It is their spirit which makes them always see at the bright side of a situation. It is said that Sagittarians are always guided by lucky stars and good things will always happen to them. Sagittarians are very independent in their dispositions. They have vibrant and expansive personalities. They are curious by nature and always seek knowledge to expand their outlook. They also have a spiritualistic bent of mind. The Sagittarius horoscope predicts that Sagittarians are unemotional. They don’t like dwelling on the past. They tend to get bored easily and simply move on with the life. This is because they have two personalities, because the Centaur (Sagittarius’ symbol), is half horse half person. The Sagittarius’s two personalities: the animal (horse): (aggressive, rebellious, free-roaming, etc.),They are highly attractive, active, knowledgeable, generous, straightforward and dynamic but tactless. The speed of their emotions is very high and sometimes it becomes little difficult for Sagittarians to control their emotions. They are deeply religious and are pandits of religion and politics. They can become successful evangelists, professor and educationists. Free, generous, honest, reliable, god-fearing. Alert, intuitive and burrows to the point easily. Short sighted or hunchbacked. Straight forward in dealings and has high sense of justice.

Too conventional and business like. Sometimes restless and overanxious. Dual temperament. Versatile desirous to know something of everything. Disposition is happy and cheerful. Adaptable, content with simple life. Lover of art and poetry has creative ability. Respecter of law rarely gets involved in legal affairs. Desire for learning philosophy and occult subjects. Exercises strict control over food, drinks and relation with opposite sex. Neatness, orderliness, being methodical, and diligence contribute towards success. Has self-confidence. Never leaves off the work on hand unfinished. Gets favour from Government, inherits property. Professions which require extensive travel generally attract them, as they love to meet and explore new people and cultures. It is no surprise, then, that the Sagittarius-born people make good travel writers or travel guides. They can also be motivational orators. Since they are intuitive and know how to make others feel good, they perform extremely well when they work for social causes. They would make good politicians, HR managers, activists, teachers, philosophers, therapists, doctors etc. Successful as a teacher, public speaker, heads of religious institution, judge, advocate etc.

Liable to suffer from Sciatica, Rheumatic pain, Hipbone fracture, Gout, Lung problems etc.

Their lucky gem is Yellow Sapphire.


The Sagittarius natives love the outdoors, and hate it when they have to stay indoors. Honest, but sometimes tactless, these people love challenges. Although they think of themselves as adventurers, not intellectuals, they also enjoy learning new subjects and can do very well in academics. They are very loyal to their friends, and therefore very popular in their immediate circle.

Many of them are lucky to have friends in high positions. Sometimes they can be insecure and also doubt the decisions and judgements of others.
The Sagittarius-born are extroverts, enthusiastic and sometimes excessively frank. They are prone to talking too fast and too much, so sometimes it may become very difficult for others to keep pace with them. This frequently results in their statements and opinions being taken lightly by others.
Their words can be as hurtful as they can be inspiring. They are far-sighted people who are curious, and have a true bent for spirituality. They attract others for their sense of humour and confidence.
The Sagittarius-born natives are mostly strong, and especially in the early part of their lives, normally they don’t have any health issues. But they are prone to over-indulgence, which can lead to problems in their liver. Their hips, thighs, stomach and feet are also susceptible. They should avoid drinking too much, or having a heavy diet. If they can maintain a good lifestyle, they can avoid blood pressure problems or disorders of the liver. They may also experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs. They should drive carefully to avoid accidents.
Anatomically Sagittarius corresponds to: The sacrum and the sciatic nerve that proceeds down from it, energising the upper and back parts of the legs, the hips and the thighs; the sacrum and tibia bones; muscles in the thighs and buttocks; and arteries and veins serving the thighs and buttocks.

In Tune With The Universe
