Meet the Team
Qualified Psychic, Healer & Palmist

Personal or Group Sessions available on ZOOM during COVID 19 lockdown.

Shayk Adil

Humanity is the biggest religion to me

Free Healing Sessions Available to Everyone!

Hello, Namaste, Salam, Sat Sri Akaal!

My name is Shayk and I am a psychic, palm reader and spiritual healer, based in London.

Palm reading has always been very close to my heart as I have been brought up learning this art. I am also blessed with a psychic cross and healing stigmata on my hand.

My mentor was my grand-dad who was a great palmist back in India and he was the one who laid the foundation of this art in my life!

One of the main reasons to learn palmistry was to change people lives for good. Remember, the whole concept of palmistry is not fortune telling, it’s changing your future outcomes by working in the present on issues like health, family, love, money, career etc.

To know more about me, please scroll down to the bottom of this page!

Prices: I charge £75 for each session which is just over an hour. First,15 minutes of consultation is free which can be over the phone or face to face.

What made me decide to open up!

Prior to lockdown in 2019, I had a chance to meet quite a few people at a small networking event held in one of the most beautiful venues in Chelsea, London. I unintentionally spoke about my psychic, hand reading and healing abilities and surprisingly, I changed the lives of many at that event, who posed to be very happy on the front face but were lost souls deep inside!

It was an awakening call for me and I decided to embark on this spiritual journey at a professional level and help people who really need it most!

It is unfortunate, amongst us, many feel numb, isolated, scared, unloved, and depress with no positive attitude towards life.

There is a beautiful saying and a  principle of my life “I don’t deserve to feel unless the world approves of my feelings”.

This can all change with a little help and my role is to help you to fight against all odds from relationships, career, money, family marriage, health or even trauma from the past!

Humanity is the biggest religion for me!

Let me help you as my ancestors did for over 100 years and if you can’t afford to pay, I won’t charge but you have to travel to see me in my person.

I have also done various courses in the field of Palmistry, Crystals healing, Chakra healing, Energy healing with flowers remedies, Reiki healing, Mindfulness and Meditation to name a few!

So…How does it work,

It’s a journey, where palmistry merges with spiritual healing…
Option 1: The Chat and Hand read session only: (£75)

If you are only interested in a hand read session it will be an hour-long session with a detailed hand read to discuss your past, present and where you are heading in future. Remember, the whole concept of palmistry is not fortune telling, it’s changing your future outcomes by working in the present on issues like health, family, love, money, career etc.

Option 2: The Chat, Psychic reading session : (£75)

If you are only interested in a psychic reading session, it will be an hour-long session with a spiritual insight you need to know about your life, love, career or wealth.

Option 3: The Chat, hand read and healing session : (£150)

It starts with a very friendly one 2 one conversation, followed by a hand reading session to go through your life journey from past, present and where you are heading towards in future! This session is for over 2 hours and can be very emotional, but remember, the saying “Have a good cry, wash out your heart, if you keep it inside it’ll tear you apart”.

Option 3 : Continues…

Going into a meditative flow session…

What comes after it, is a beautiful journey! I take you in a subconscious state and cleanse your body, mind and soul through a 10 minutes meditation to align and balance all your body chakras/energy centres. This is followed by a break with another meditation exercise to open up your soul/intuitive 8th chakra, enabling your body to connect with your inner-self, establish your spiritual connection, and transcendence. This connection to enter into a state of meditative flow gives you the ability to intuit answers to questions that may have otherwise remained elusive throughout your life.

Option 3 : Continues…

The healing begins…

Once the meditative state is established, I will take you to your next journey, towards healing.

God has gifted me with healing qualities since I was a child. Some people have physical problems/pains and some have mental or physiological issues.

In this session, I will identify the root cause of your pain/disease and perform a healing session with my hands on your body or a specific area of your body for 15 minutes. You will feel some sort of sensation in your body depending on how your body reacts.

Remember some people need more than 1 session to treat their illness.

Add-ons healing session:

Healing Session for past traumas: (£75)

I take you in your past in a subconscious state to revisit your memories to cleanse any traumas which you are carrying with you in present. We will revisit few time frames in your life. I know, most of us don’t want to go into the past but healing your traumas will make you feel grounded and content in present! There is a deep connection of how your past plays while dealing with challenging situations in the present. In this session, you may wish to see your loved ones who have sadly passed away, we can revisit some memories to feel them again and if possible to talk to them in present.

Healing Session for Crystals: (£75)

You will lie on a crystal bed with Seven “extremely clear, highly polished precise Vogel Quartz Crystals, cut to a specific frequency,” hang above the bed, in a single row. The session will begin with; “Coloured lights matching the vibrational frequency of chakra colours radiate light and energy through the crystals to each respective chakra. They shine on/off in healing rhythms to cleanse, balance and align your energies.”

In simple words, the pure CRYSTALS cleanses your body and restore your energy levels by removing any blockages, and you feel fully grounded and content.

If you are diagnosed with a long term illness…

I perform healing sessions on my client in groups or on an individual basis. If you are diagnosed with a long term illness, you would need to have a few healing session.


The Important bit!

You can book individual session from any of the above or join me to explore your spiritual journey for the full palm read, meditation and healing bundle, an experience for a full day.

I have clients all around the world and I have helped and healed many on a pro-bono basis so don’t hesitate to ask if you can’t pay!

My reward comes from people health and happiness…


You should never stop the medication and totally rely on a holistic approach. Give your body enough time to respond to holistic therapy and act accordingly.

Crystal bed

Individual sessions on Zoom:

I am currently offering palm reading and healing sessions through ZOOM and there are few options to pick from depending on what you are looking to achieve out of it! All individual sessions cost £75 and last for between 45 minutes to an hour. Once you have booked a slot with me, please pay via PayPal, a day prior to your session. Payment to be used for PayPal:

If you would like to do a bank transfer, please ask me for details.

Requirement: For a palm reading session, you will need to send me images of your both hands from various angels through WhatsApp or email 2 days prior to the session.

For both the sessions, you will need to write all those thoughts and questions on a piece of paper regarding your life, you have been craving to get answers in your life for a long time or recently. It would be nice to have your own space with no disturbance or company around.

Option 1

Hand reading with one to one video chat session: If you are looking to talk about your past, present and future, where you stand in your career or relationship or worried about your health, this session is for you.

Option 2:

Healing session: This session starts with 10 to 15 minutes of conversation to learn about your physical and emotional state.

Following our conversation,  I take to you to a journey in a subconscious state and cleanse your body, mind and soul through a 10 to 15 minutes meditation to align and balance all your body chakras/energy centres.

This is followed by a 5-minute break with another meditation exercise to open up your soul/intuitive 8th chakra, enabling your body to connect with your inner-self, establish your spiritual connection, and transcendence. This connection to enter into a state of meditative flow gives you the ability to intuit answers to questions that may have otherwise remained elusive throughout your life.

Lastly, you will connect with my soul/energy and clear your aura and all those thoughts, negative energy holding you back or making your heart feeling heavy or mind unclear.


You should never stop the medication and totally rely on a holistic approach. Give your body enough time to respond to holistic therapy and act accordingly.

A little more about me…

Hand and Mind connection:

You will be surprised to know that there are more nerves between the hand and the brain than between any other two points of the nervous system. Our mind, body and soul are all interconnected and our emotional state can influence how we see the world around us which is then reflected in our hand.

Remember your hand is like a mirror; as you change, so does your hand!

As a spiritual healer, I have combined my knowledge by learning the wisdom traditions of monks and mystics to the modern world of the science of mindfulness. I have merged palmistry with spiritual healing together and I work with you and your spirit to guide you in the right direction.

I don’t see hands for fun, it’s a God gift but comes with great responsibility. I have changed the lives of many so feel free to drop a line if you are interested to book a session.

Palmistry has various references in many religions for e.g.

“And it shall be to you as a sign upon the hand” EXODUS 13:9

“God put his seal upon man’s hand so that man might know his work” JOB27:7



My journey to palmistry and spiritual healing started at a very young age, it’s a GOD blessing that is passed through family generations and in my case, it was my father, grandfather and great grandfather hailing from India.

Over the years, I have also well equipped myself with various mind, body and soul courses and training programmes, to name a few:

  • Health and Wellbeing in the Ancient World, The Open University
  • Integrating Care: Depression, Anxiety and Physical Illness, Kings College London
  • Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT, University of Reading
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the Global Context, University of Glasgow
  • Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence, The University of Sheffield
  • Dementia and the Arts: Sharing Practice, Developing Understanding and Enhancing Lives, UCL (University College London)
  • Mindfulness for Wellbeing and Peak Performance, Monash University
  • Your 7 Chakras: The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body Your 7 Chakras: The Complete Guide to Your Energy Body by James Seriph
  • Psychic Mediumship Development by Julian Jenkins
  • Crystal Healing: The Complete Certified Practitioners Course
  • Stepping Into Your Light
  • Palmistry Secrets with distinction by Adam’s Academy

In Tune With The Universe
