Cancer Horoscope

JUN 21-JUL 22

General Characteristics Cancer

The Crabs are mostly the family types. Their personality can be quite complicated, but deep inside they are conservative and home-loving people. They love to be in a familiar surroundings and nurture their relationships. The Crab is known to be very unpredictable, indecisive, temperamental, and insecure. They profoundly fear rejection by their loved ones and are prone to get hurt easily. The otherwise tenacious, loyal, sympathetic and strong Crabs are vulnerable in many ways. They can visualize future events with the help of their powerful imagination and intuition. Famous for fertile imagination and ability to imitate others with ease. They are dependable, loyal, adaptable, caring and responsive. They are hypersensitive and hyperemotional. They are sensible. They become very happy when they get some kind of happiness and get deeply sad too in case of intervention of any disappointment and frustration. They have powerful imagination and are highly intuitive. Many famous mimics and actors are born under this sign. Receptive to new ideas and adapt themselves to new environment.

Accumulate wealth through hard work. The Crabs have a natural flair for learning a variety of subjects, as they have a strong intuition and imagination, which makes them excellent artists, writers, composers, actors, and psychics. Besides, these sensitive types love to nurture and take care of things, and hence they may go places if they make a career in the fields of human resource, law, nursing, teaching and childcare. Whatever field they choose to be in, one thing is for sure that they will not be there to feed their ego. They work because they like to be financially secure and self-dependent. Can take up occupation of fluctuating nature. Best suited to commercial career, especially to the trade of catering. Good writers, orators, leaders in society, advisors. Cancerians can become very successful politicians. Short tempered and impatient. Changeable and fluctuating making the person moody. Not to be relied upon. Very talkative, self reliant, honest and unbending. Have reputation for love of justice and fair play. Excellent memory and famous for their true hospitality. Gain favour of intelligent people, independent temperament. Deeply attached to family and children. Ideal life partners. Often prey to women. Lead wandering and restless life.

Liable to suffer from infection of Lungs, Bronchitis, T.B., Dyspepsia, Flatulence,Nervous Debility, Jaundice etc.

Your lucky gem is Pearl.

In love and romance, Cancer natives need to feel secure, supported and reassured by your partner.
Cancer individuals are very sensitive and caring. You are champions for your loved ones.  You take time to open up in love and romance as you are a bit shy and take time to build confidence. But when you love someone, it will be very serious and deep. You will fiercely protect and defend their loved ones. You are good at romance and love, which makes you super attractive and mysterious at the same time.

Cancer individuals are not merely sensitive; they can be very determined as well, especially when there is a job at hand. As they are kind and compassionate, care giving jobs suit them best. When they feel passion, they will pull countless all-nighters to finish a project.


Cancer sign governs the chest, breasts, elbows, stomach and digestion, womb and female reproductive organs. Hence, you tend to face issues majorly related to these body parts. You tend to have a delicate and weak stomach and digestive system. You are susceptible to health concerns due to tension, anxiety, and emotional stress. You usually suffer from bad health when you are emotionally off and not tuned with your life.

In Tune With The Universe
