Aquarius Horoscope

JAN 20-FEB 18

General Characteristics Aquarius

Positive Qualities of Aquarius: Truthfulness, Just, Curious, Affectionate Personality, Frank and Imaginative. Negative Qualities of Aquarius: Unpredictable, Detachment, Tendency to go off-track, and Inefficiency. They are witty, clever, humanitarian, inventive, original, obstinate, intelligent, and reliable and have certain fixed principles in their life. The Aquarius-born people are humanitarians to the core. They are a progressive and modern lot. Broad-minded and creative, they are the real truth-seekers. Being affectionate and friendly by nature, the Aquarius-born are very attractive and popular. However, their frankness can cut both ways. Within limits, it can be a positive quality, but when it borders on the insensitive, it can really hurt people and alienate them from their friends and loved ones. Besides, as they do not open up emotionally too soon, not many people can relate to them. So, though they may have many friends, not many of them will be close friends. Being unpredictable is another negative trait that works against them. They have a healthy outlook on life and its problems. Interested in all progressive things, reserved, weighs everything before executes or watches and waits till others execute. Caution, patience, concentration, studiousness never leave him. Their conversation is always interesting, straightforward temperament, admired by all. Kind, fond of learning and inspires noble thoughts. Love of nature, kind disposition.

Consistent in friendship, strong in likes and dislikes. Love for solitude. They develop intuition and inspiration. Interested in deep meditation and concentration. retentive memory, research on scientific lines. Works for the common and the downtrodden. Overall, it can be concluded that the Aquarius perform at their level best when their pursuits give them the scope to express their brilliant memory, creativity, knowledge, wisdom, love for freedom and work for humanitarian causes. Careers in the fields of Science, Sociology, Biology, Astrology, Radiology, Engineering, Politics, Social Work, etc. are advisable for the Aquarius-born. Earn money through modern machineries, investments and discoveries, interested in technical education. Fondness for home. Preferences for equally intelligent and educated partner irrespective of age. Home well furnished having a collection of antiques managed in modern fashion. Do not give expression to their love. If lovers are passionate, they will not be satisfied as Aquarian’s may appear to be cold. Prosperity from the ages of 22 to 40.

Liable to suffer from infectious diseases, tooth problems, tonsils etc. Chances of injury by arms, iron or wood.

Their lucky gem is Blue Sapphire


The Aquarius love their personal freedom and will not tolerate anyone who tries to snatch their space. However, the ones that they do let into their space find them to be very interesting and charming people. Those who fall in love with an Aquarius are most likely to share his/ her artistic and intellectual interests. They like to make everything perfect for their partner. Their approach to love and marriage is logical and intellectual, therefore loving with the mind is their way of being in a relationship.

They are accommodating, will compromise and adapt to the nature of their partner. Aquarius-Aquarius, Aquarius-Gemini and Aquarius-Libra make good life partners. Moreover, you can opt for our Love Horoscope to know your compatibility with your love partner. You may also try this fully personalised Birth Chart based Love Prospects report to know what the future has in store for you on the romantic front. You might also be interested in reading about Aquarius Relationship.

The Aquarius-born can go on to become exceptional scientists and doctors, as they have the ability to analyse and concentrate for long hours. They can also do well in artistic pursuits. Law is another field they can pursue and find expected success.
Financial matters never make them worried or anxious. As they often indulge in charity, they are likely to suffer serious financial losses.

People born under the Sign Aquarius usually have a weak bone structure, so even a minor fall or accident can cause a fracture. Their nervous system, heart, backbone, throat and bladder can also cause anxiety on the health front. However, their digestive system can adapt to all kinds of cuisines easily. As they are prone to worrying too much, it can lead to brain disorders, which in the long run can cause brain tumour or epilepsy. Still, by and large they do tend to live to a ripe old age in good health.

In Tune With The Universe
